Controlling light seems complex, but the truth is it's as complex or as simple as it's explained to those who are interested in learning and understanding it. Too often, I've found that a 5 minute to 30 minutes explanation can't cut it, and generally, it leaves people lost, confused, and frustrated.
We're going to take a different path, whether it's all about light, or about aperture or about the exposure triangle, we're going to break down each piece so that you learn the information you need to support your photography. In this episode we're discussing
I've also provided you with a few excellent articles on shutter and shutter speed.
I've also posted some photos on this episode's website so that you can see some really strong examples of the power of manipulating the shutter and shutter speeds.
Questions or Comments? Reach out at and I'll be in touch* directly or address your comment on the podcast.
*By submitting a question or statement, you agree that your submission can be discussed publicly on the podcast, website, or other platforms owned by or affiliated with CluedUpBTS and its parent company, HeadshotNJ, and affiliate company Maria B Photography Studio. while retaining your anonymity.