In Episode 6, I take you behind the scenes from the day of my first conversation with my client to the day of her photo shoot. In this episode you'll hear intimate details of this process from our first discussion through details related to getting the shoot set up in the studio. You'll get the low-down on what happened, what should have happened, and what should have happened better. You're getting the real deal as to what happens when you manage the different aspects to make a photo shoot happen and to make it an enjoyable quality experience for your client, your team, and for yourself. As an extra bonus, the Show Notes contain images from the shoot so you can hear and see what goes on BTS.
Click here for the Show Notes.
Questions or Comments? Reach out at and I'll be in touch* directly or address your comment on the podcast.
*By submitting a question or statement, you agree that your submission can be discussed publicly on the podcast, website, or other platforms owned by or affiliated with CluedUpBTS and its parent company, HeadshotNJ, and affiliate company Maria B Photography Studio. while retaining your anonymity.