Episode description
The Pop Patrol is on the case! The gang question the definitely alive members of Gravel's gang in order to try and gather more clues on who is really pulling the strings. Beef pitches a plan. Montrose finds a method. Emerich gets burned.
Opening monologue performed by Autumn Seavey Hicks: https://www.instagram.com/autumnseaveyhicks/?hl=en
Additional music in this episode: "Dialogue" and "A Mysterious Place" by Kirk Osamayao: kirkosamayo.com; A Rainbow in the Dark" by Dilating Times https://www.tommasocroce.it/; "Back in the 80s" by Holizna: https://holiznaroyaltyfree.bandcamp.com/; and "Six" by Lex Villena: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2iwj2SqGnplhDIadeJ5bmy?si=N8WYSKIPR7WUy8z4ajNSog.