Episode description
The gang returns to Ustaben to square up, but are confronted by the consequences of their actions. Beef gets tender, Montrose seeks a thrill, Emerich buries his grief.
Opening monologue performed by Autumn Seavey Hicks: https://www.instagram.com/autumnseaveyhicks/?hl=en
Additional music in this episode: “Bac”k in the 80s” and “Coins” by Holizna: https://holiznaroyaltyfree.bandcamp.com/; “Voyageur” by Monkey Warhol: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Monkey_Warhol/; “Dialogue” and “Sunny Day” by Kirk Osamayao: kirkosamayo.com; and “Happy Harmonies” by Nicolai Heidlas: https://soundcloud.com/nicolai-heidlas-music.