The Adventure Zone: Steeplechase - Episode 22
Episode description
The arcade employees take some much-needed downtime to ready themselves for their biggest job yet. Montrose picks up a shady asset. Emerich flexes on local technicians. Beef befriends some bros.
Opening monologue performed by Autumn Seavey Hicks: https://www.instagram.com/autumnseaveyhicks/?hl=en
Additional music in this episode: Voyageur” by Monkey Warhol: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Monkey_Warhol/; "Waiting in the Grocery Store" and "A Mysterious Place" by Kirk Osamayao: kirkosamayo.com; "Entangled Quanta" by Ihsan & The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/ihsan-the-cabinet-of-dr-caligari/; "Tree Tenants" by Revolution Void: http://www.revolutionvoid.com; and "Elbwalzer" by Torsten Torsten: https://www.torstentorsten.de.