Episode description
Thumbs up? Thumbs down. Skulls of joy. And so many expressions of pain and comfort. This, my babies, is the -ology that sparked this whole podcast. Curiology means “writing with pictures” but will certified emoji experts agree that they are curiologists? Listen in for behind-the-scenes drama, origin stories, stats on usage, trends and global context with Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge, designer Jennifer Daniel, and the world’s first emoji translator (and current Emojipedia editor-in-chief) Keith Broni. And get ready to celebrate World Emoji Day on July 17.
Visit Jeremy Burge’s website and follow him on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok
Visit Keith Broni’s blog and follow him on Twitter
Subscribe to Jennifer Daniel’s Substack and follow them on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok
A donation went to: Unicode
More episode sources and links
Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes
Other episodes you may enjoy: Etymology (WORD ORIGINS), Phonology (LINGUISTICS), Deltiology (POSTCARDS), Enigmatology (WORD PUZZLES), Proptology (THEATER & FILM PROPS), Fanthropology (FANDOM), Screamology (LOUD VOCALIZATIONS), Tiktokology (THE TIKTOK APP) with Hank Green, Speech Pathology (TALKING DOGS... AND PEOPLE), Medusology (JELLYFISH), Teuthology (SQUIDS)
Transcripts and bleeped episodes
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Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media and Mark David Christenson
Transcripts by Emily White of The Wordary
Website by Kelly R. Dwyer
Theme song by Nick Thorburn