Episode description
Frankenstein’s Monster! Hungry ghosts! Moaning bloodsuckers! Goat draining goblins. Babadooks. Gorilla-whales. Slasher films. Body horror… and what these folk stories, films, and fandoms have to do about our hopes and fears. Also yes, you can watch monster movies as a job. Just ask the wonderfully charming and deeply informed Dr. W. Scott Poole, College of Charleston professor and author of “Monsters in America,” who teaches multiple courses on history and monster lore. We also cover: monsters on various continents, monsters as queer icons, horror vs. monsters, secret messages in monster movies, the edits that your government may not have wanted you to see, what to do if you suspect you have one under the bed, Hollywood production secrets, special effects makeup, and — as always — why we’re so horny for ghouls.
Buy W. Scott Poole’s new book: Dark Carnivals: Modern Horror and the Origins of American Empire
Browse more horror and pop culture books by W. Scott Poole including: Wasteland: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Horror, Monsters in America, and In the Mountains of Madness: The Life and Extraordinary Afterlife of H.P. Lovecraft
Donations went to the International Rescue Committee and Pet Helpers
More episode sources and links
Smologies (short, classroom-safe) episodes
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Transcripts and bleeped episodes
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Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions
Transcripts by Emily White of The Wordary
Website by Kelly R. Dwyer
Theme song by Nick Thorburn