As the world becomes more connected, businesses no longer can afford to have their IT and OT teams operate as separate islands. They need to collaborate and communicate to adapt and respond to their ever-changing business needs. But how do you merge these two separate worlds?
In this podcast, we explore how to break down IT and OT silos, the biggest business benefits, and the new opportunities IT/OT convergence creates for systems integrators.
Join us as we explore these ideas with:
Jan Burian and Head of Manufacturing Insights for IDC
Sunnie Weber, IoT Ecosystem Strategy Leader for Intel
Kenton Williston, Editor-in-Chief for
Jan and Sunnie answer our questions about:
To learn more, read IT-OT Convergence: A Growing Opportunity for System Integrators. For the latest innovations from Intel and IDC, follow them on Twitter at @IDC and @Inteliot or on LinkedIn at IDC and Intel-Internet-of-Things.