The most important step when getting started in network marketing is, well, starting! And your new recruits are gonna do a lot of nothing if you overwhelm them. Here’s how to launch or relaunch a network marketing business without wasting time or getting stuck.
“You can’t automate relationships! Connect with your team, guide them with baby steps and help them make progress.”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
00:45 - Be loud and proud of this in 2024 and go crush it in your business
01:46 - 2 major keys to start earning profits
04:10 - If you don’t have great results yet, here’s how you can start promoting your products or business
06:11 - Automation is good, but this is one thing you should never automate
08:52 - 3-step process your new people should follow when launching their business
12:22 - Episode outro