We want everyone in the network marketing business to be smart about money, so we called Brandon Forbes to teach you about Infinite Banking and how everyone can use it to build long-term wealth that can last generations. Could this be an option for you?
“Infinite Banking is like being your own bank, and what’s amazing is that everyone can start a plan at their own pace!”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
01:05 - Meet Brandon Forbes as he shares how he fell in love with the infinite banking strategy
07:06 - This is why this concept is an ideal vehicle
09:05 - Do you know how much you’re paying for someone to manage your funds?
11:33 - Let’s define what infinite banking is
15:22 - Here’s how infinite banking is set up to guarantee growth, tax-free
17:24 - The worst thing that could happen to your hard-earned money and what you should do instead
21:22 - Make your money work for you. Here’s how
24:49 - Wanna know how to 10X your retirement fund tax-free?
27:36 - Episode outro