Eric Worre has cracked the code about what makes your recruits quit network marketing & how to turn them into successful leaders. Learn from the #1 network marketing coach in the profession and listen to the wakeup call that’s gonna define whether you’re a quitter or a millionaire.
“The biggest challenge is simplifying the process so that even someone with no skills can find success and motivation to keep going and build a big team that will make a big difference.”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
02:39 - Out of these three phases, where are you at right now in your Network Marketing career?
06:36 - These are the reasons why people who join the industry see recruiting as a challenge
10:34 - A huge lie that needs to die and a truth that you need to hear
14:20 - You can have success even if you’re afraid, here’s how you can do it
16:35 - If you’re the only one recruiting in your team, you need to hear this conversation
18:25 - The key to switching from “trading time for money” to creating real leverage
19:36 - Episode outro