I don't have time, I don't have money, my dog ate my homework... Objections, I've heard them all and I have an answer for every one of them! Let me teach you how to crush any objection your prospects may have about your network marketing business or products. Without lying, without making it more confusing and in the most meaningful way.
"Objections are good because they give you the opportunity to help prospects identify and overcome obstacles."
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
03:14 - The very first thing you need to do when someone objects is…
04:03 - When money is the objection, here’s what to do
06:34 - Here’s what to tell people when they say “I don’t have time!”
07:45 - Easily handle any objections when you structure your approach this way
09:47 - A lot of people struggle with this objection. Here’s how to handle it
12:59 - The most common Network Marketing question and how to answer it
14:28 - Episode outro