Network marketing is a bit complicated, which is why you need to keep it simple! But instead you run wild and give your prospects an information overload, which is why they end up doing a bunch of nothing! Let’s talk about how to go easy on your prospecting and keep it that way.
“I don’t get excited when I recruit someone, I get excited when that person sees the potential in the business!”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
03:24 - Most people in the selling industry struggle to make money because they focus too much on this
04:16 - A simple and effective strategy to sell and recruit more
07:31 - Not doing this is probably one of the reasons why your close ratio isn’t going up
09:45 - Doing this requires more time and effort, but it’s worth it
13:03 - If you’re brand-new, these are the things you need to be good at to start getting results
14:17 - Episode outro