Find the right people for your network marketing business using social media! Don’t know where to start? We brought Kayla Betts to teach you everything that’s working out for her and her team, and to inspire you to work towards your dreams until you get to the goal. Because it’s possible!
“Nothing of value is easy to get, but you decide how hard you make the road for yourself.”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
02:09 - If you’re a mom looking for inspiration to keep working on your business, you need to hear this!
05:05 - Attract more people on TikTok using this simple strategy
09:31 - Here’s why we always say doing Live Videos is the best way to build a personal brand
10:48 - The exact system Kayla follows when she gets a lead from TikTok
12:53 - Make your prospecting system easy. Here’s how
14:30 - If you’re struggling to recruit, here’s Kayla’s best tip!
17:06 - Episode outro