I want 2024 to be the year you go all in! I know letting go of the excuses is easier said than done. I know fear is a scary beast that holds you back. But 5 years from now, I want you to look back and say: That’s the year when I changed my network marketing business!
“Mistakes are the best teachers for lessons we need to learn. And I’ve learnt a lot!”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
01:45 - One thing you can change to attract more people in 2024
03:18 - People who’re crushing it have this thing in common
04:25 - This is indeed one of the biggest reasons why people in this industry get stuck
05:33 - Not doing it this year will cost you big time in recruiting
06:27 - Things you can’t afford not to do this year
09:23 - Three Es to focus on when creating your content
11:14 - Automation is good, but not for these IPAs. Here’s why
13:11 - Episode outro