Have you decided to take your kinks to a dating site? Looking to find the 'right' kinky partner for you and not wanting to be categorized as an 'other'? Want to know more about dating kinky, ethical non-monogamy, open relationships or polyamory all on one educational site?
Join me, your host and sex goddess, Taylor Sparks, for a very lively and uncensored discussion with Lifestyle Dominant Ms. Nookie Notes. We discuss how her relationships are 'female led', how, when and if she switches. We also talk about her new upcoming books and on-line educational events on both https://live.datingkinky.com and http://notcheating.com and how you can get access to great information to build your own relationships in and outside of the world of kink. Listen for all of the promotional codes and event information towards the end!
NookieNotes, known by most as Nookie, grew up in the lifestyle and around people of every color and bent. Her primary fetishes are communication and behavior modification. She's a lifestyle dominant who runs her relationships and enjoys switching in the bedroom. She is currently building a new kinky dating and education site, writing books, and hosting kinky online events.
Stay In Touch With Nookie Notes:
Free online education events coming up:
https://live.datingkinky.com (ongoing)
http://notcheating.com (June 13-14)
April book: Understand Me Now (And That's An Order!): Communication for relationships, including ethical non-monogamy, kink, and BDSM
May book: Next Stop: OTown, a roadmap to your orgasm and sexual release
Stay In Touch With Sisters of Sexuality:
Website: www.sistersofsexuality.com
Email: sistersofsexuality@gmail.com
Instagram: @sistersofsexuality
Facebook: @sexysostour
Twitter: @sistersofsex