The world faces a significant challenge in ensuring food security for its growing population amidst the threats posed by climate change. The increasing reliance on a narrow selection of cultivated crops due to industrial agriculture is causing a concerning reduction in the genetic diversity of plants. This narrowing pool poses a risk to global food security, making our food supply more vulnerable to pests, diseases, and changing climate conditions.
Seed banks play a crucial role in combating this trend by preserving the genetic diversity of thousands of plant species, including traditional and 'forgotten' crops that are resilient to changing climate conditions and offer nutritional benefits. These facilities, alongside innovative agricultural practices, are vital in reintroducing a diversity of crops into modern agriculture. This diversification can lead to more resilient food systems that are capable of withstanding environmental stresses, thereby securing the nutritional needs of future generations.
In this SDG Learncast episode, we're honored to have Dr. Stefan Schmitz, Executive Director of the Crop Trust, as our distinguished guest. Dr. Schmitz brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of agricultural biodiversity and food security. He will discuss the growing importance of seed banks in the fight against the erosion of agricultural biodiversity and share insights into the Crop Trust's efforts to conserve crop diversity globally. This includes supporting key seed banks worldwide and coordinating projects like the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, aimed at ensuring the long-term preservation and availability of crop diversity for the benefit of everyone.
Dr. Schmitz will delve into the challenges and opportunities in preserving agricultural biodiversity, the critical role of seed banks, and the transformative potential of reintroducing 'forgotten' crops into agriculture. He will also highlight the innovative strategies being employed to support the work of seed banks and the importance of global collaboration in safeguarding our agricultural heritage. Through this conversation, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of how preserving seed diversity and embracing innovative agricultural practices are essential steps toward a sustainable and food-secure future.
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The transcript of the podcast is available at