Patty's going rogue and talking runDisney 2022 Marathon Weekend solo. Jane and Theresa are still unpacking and settling in, but we didn't want too much time to go by in January before getting a new conversation going! The whole team will be back next week (fingers crossed!).
This one is all about runDisney 2022 Marathon Weekend. We're talking about Expo Pass, Merch, Security Procedures, Covid, and more- oh my!
Following this episode is going to some information that we're repurposing from The No-Guilt Fangirls podcast. Heads up for that runDisney 101 three-part series to come. PLEASE NOTE: these episodes were recorded in late 2019 or early 2020 before #alltheworldchanged
Some of the info may be outdated, but there are some good bones in these episodes-- but listen with a grain of salt.
And be sure to let us know what questions or TOTALLY wrong info we can update in a future episode.
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"Vivacity" by Kevin MacLeod (
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