WELCOME BACK, REFINERS!! I hope you're feeling refreshed. So are you jazzed? You finished your first file! Now, let's continue the adventure, shall we? Day Two of severed existence means...Melon Bar!! Surely a Melon Bar and a round of get-acquainted, icebreaker games will make everything all right for newly severed worker, Helly R.
Uh, spoilers...it doesn't help her attitude AT ALL! (Come on, not even the MELON BAR??). No, not even the Melon Bar!!
Oh, and speaking of spoilers, just in case you're new here...there are spoilers all OVER this podcast. It's recommended you watch every episode of the first season of "Severance." There will be a couple of nights right after where you'll sit in a darkened room with a bottle of scotch going, "huh? what the hell was THAT?" You'll soon realize, you need to watch Season One AGAIN! That's when you want to pop on the ol' "Severed" podcast after each episode. You'll find more details, info, trivia and cool stuff than you will find in ANY other Severance Podcast!! That's 100% guaranteed by Lumon, or double your money back!!
Grab yourself a cup of dark, bold Rwandan Coffee and fire up your workstation. It's time to open the file marked "Half Loop-Pt 1". And, yes, this file is once again so packed with Severance Goodness, the folks upstairs thought it might be best for you to only work on half of it today. There will be plenty of time to get to Part 2, next week!
Huge thanks to Adam Scott, star of 'Severance' and host of the Severance Podcast for recording a custom intro for "Severed." Make sure to check out 'The Severance Podcast w/Ben Stiller & Adam Scott" wherever you found this one!
APPLE PODCAST LISTENERS: If you are enjoying "Severed: The Ultimate 'Severance' Podcast" please make sure to leave a 5-star rating (and, if you want, a review telling others to give it a try). Higher rated podcasts get better placement in suggestion lists. It helps more "Severance" fans find the show. Thanks!!! Season 2 of "Severance" is underway as of 1/17/2025. New episodes are released at 9E/8C on Thursday evening through the end of March. Join the 'Severed' Patreon page for new episode chatroom viewing parties every Thursday night. (www.patreon.com/SeveredPod)
Join the fun on our Facebook page @SeveredPod. Throughout this very exciting Season Two, I'll try to keep you updated on news about the show.
Also, let's talk!! Comments? Theories? Corrections? I LOVE 'EM!! Send to: SeveredPod@gmail.com
Needing your own copies of the Lexington Letter and Orientation Booklet? I've got you covered with downloadable PDFs of both documents: