Happy Spooky Wednesday, dear listeners! We've got some real bloodcurdling stories for you today, both figuratively and literally. Well... kind of. We suppose no one's blood really curdled... but there is a lot of talk of blood. Kala starts us off with the tale of Pine Hill Cemetery in Hollis, NH. It's better known to locals as Blood Cemetery. That's not for the reason you may be thinking though, there are just a lot of residents of the graveyard with the last name Blood, including Able Blood, who can be seen wandering the gravestones after dark. He's not alone, either, because people have spotted his wife Betsy, a young boy, and other ghostly figures wandering the cemetery at night. Some have even caught these figures on camera. Is this a real haunting, or just bad flash photography? And Brittany shares the story of Gloria Ramirez, whom the media dubbed The Toxic Lady after her death in 1994. Several hospital workers became ill after exposure to her body and blood. She was suffering from cervical cancer at the time, and while the cause of her death is known, the cause of the illness suffered by those who treated her at the time of her passing is a mystery. Was it caused by something mystical? A strange reaction to medications and oxygen? Mass hysteria? We examine multiple angles, but it doesn't change the fact that to this day, the scientific community is still stumped.