Happy Spooky Wednesday, dearests! This week we’ve got two locations that scream “Tale as old as time.” First up, we have Kala discussing the Ashmore Estates in Ashmore, IL. This old building that used to operate as an almshouse is active enough that nearly everyone who visits has an experience. So who will you meet? The man who was hit by a train? The child who just wants attention? Or the unnamed worker who has a problem with women in his boiler room? And Brittany tells us all about The Oxford Saloon in Snohomish, WA. Quite the party back in its day, this building got its start as a grocery store, but naturally moved on to a bar, casino, and brothel. With a location where violent outbursts and shady business practices are the norm, how can it not be haunted? Oh yeah… it’s definitely haunted.