Happy Spooky Wednesday, folks! Kala is back from vacation and we are ready to rock your world with some overseas spooky stories! First up, Kala has a listener request for The Black Shuck of Europe! This dog-like apparition has been seen in many cultures, and for centuries it has been recognized as an omen of DOOM. Whether that doom be death, injury, or just bad luck seems to be up for interpretation. Whether you believe in the omen thing or not, with this many personal encounters it's hard to deny that these creatures really exist. And Brittany tells us about Q Station in Sydney, Australia. This gorgeous hotel and venue has a dark past full of disease and death. Its origins as a place for people to quarantine due to ship-borne diseases and pandemics throughout history has led to the location being a perfect dwelling place for spirits. Whether it is the past patients or the nurses that treated them, plenty of ghosts roam the area, and it makes sense with the hundreds of people that died there.