Happy Spooky Wednesday! This week we've got a birthday request, a listener story, and a haunting that leaves you feeling happy and calm. Does it get any better than this?!
First, Kala covers a listener request for locations out of Annapolis, Maryland. In her search she found two locations that are battling it out for title of most haunted in the city: The James Brice House and The Maryland Inn. The James Brice House is one of the oldest buildings in the city and possibly the country, and it has some skeletons in it's closet (both figuratively and literally). The Maryland Inn is home to the devastating love story of Captain Charles and his bride, one who spends their afterlife pacing in a fourth floor bedroom, and the other who spends their afterlife drinking beer by a fire. Who really gets the best deal here?
Next, Brittany takes us to the opposite side of the country to discuss The Starrett House in Port Townsend, Washington. This beautiful, intricately designed mansion was a labor of love by George Starrett for his wife Ann. Many glorious and happy years were spent by the family in this home. That affection has carried on long past their deaths and leaves the home with a very different kind of haunting: a happy haunting. We can all only hope to be so lucky.
Bonus: WE HAVE A LISTENER STORY THIS WEEK! Man, it just keeps getting better and better!