Happy Spooky Wednesday and Happy Holidays, y'all! We've got an episode to tell you all about the reason for the season... giant cats and magical men. First up, Kala talks about Jólakötturinn, or Yule Cat. This creepy kitty wanders towns in Iceland on Christmas Eve to find out which children have been doing their chores and which have not. You better hope you have a new pair of socks in those Christmas presents, or the Yule Cat may eat your dinner and then eat you! We promise it makes more sense once you hear the whole story. And Brittany talks all about Santa Claus. How did this jolly fellow get his rep? Has he always been the Coca-Cola version we know today? No... his origin story is interesting, and something you'll definitely want to hear for yourself. We finish up the episode with some great ways to keep track of Santa this year for you and your kiddos (if you have them.)