In this episode of The Autistic Culture Podcast:
All cultures have icons and one of our favorite living Autistic Culture icons is climate activist, school striker, and Davos rabble-rouser, Greta Thunberg! In this episode, podcast hosts Angela and Matt discuss all things Greta - and yes, that includes her recent one-liner takedown of misogynist poster boy, Andrew Tate!
“She's just like a kid with a crazy idea, using her special interests to save her life, which is what we do…And is being trolled by world leaders of some of the biggest and most important countries.” –Angela
Greta, who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and selective mutism at age 11, has become a global sensation for her work in the climate activism movement. Greta proudly displays common autism symptoms in women (which we call traits!).
Greta’s Autistic traits of pattern detection, logic, and justice-sensitivity affect the way she experiences the urgency of the climate crisis. In 2018, as a teenager, Thunberg started protesting for climate action by skipping school on Fridays, which sparked a global youth climate protest movement: "School Strike for Climate.” Consequently, she was named Time magazine's Person of the Year in 2019.
The hosts admire Thunberg's Autistic intense focus on her interests, honesty, and unwillingness to compromise her message to be polite or popular—qualities that are highly valued by individuals on the autism spectrum. They also discuss how Thunberg was bullied and dismissed by world leaders and others, but maintained her conviction.
“We don't have the option of just going with things because we inevitably stand out. So we have a very, very different profile of strengths and weaknesses. And I present this to people like, look at Superman. Superman is strong enough to push around the moon, but his weakness is a green rock.” –Matt
The podcast highlights an incident where Thunberg cleverly responded on Twitter to sexist taunts from influencer Andrew Tate, leading to his arrest. Matt and Angela praise Thunberg as an important figure in Autistic culture who models integrity, focus, and self-acceptance.
Greta is proud of her autism and considers it a superpower. She is a symbol of Autistic pride and has earned the support and admiration of Autistic children, teens, and adults. Despite criticism and hate, Greta continues to spread her message of the urgency of the climate crisis and has been a voice of individualism in the movement. If you are Autistic - or love someone who is - you don’t want to miss this virtual culture trip.
Does Greta inspire you? Tell us about it in the comments!
Greta Thunberg Likens Autism to Superpower
Greta Thunberg’s Asperger's diagnosis and how being different is a 'superpower’
How is Greta Thunberg Affected by Autism?
Greta Thunberg on Her Autism Diagnosis and Climate Activism
How Greta Thunberg’s autism helped make her the world’s most important person for 2020
Vanderbilt University - Autistic Pride Month
Greta Thunberg and Autism: Making the Most of Your Differences
Greta Thunberg Book Details Her Autism Struggles In Childhood, Impact On Family
Time Magazine’s 2019 Person of the Year: Greta Thunberg
Episode 03: Poetry is Autistic
Episode 12: Parks and Rec is Autistic
And learn about one of the other most famous Autistic celebrities (the good and the bad): Episode 24: The Trouble with Temple
Ready for a paradigm shift that empowers Autistics? Help spread the news!
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Learn more about Matt at Matt Lowry, LPP
Matt’s social media: Autistic Connections Facebook Group
Learn more about Angela at and Difference Press
Angela’s social media: Twitter and TikTok
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