An episode that's the best at being The Worst!
Here’s what’s in store for today’s episode:
* In this episode, Matt and Angela delve into one of Angela's comfort shows, the FX series You're the Worst, exploring the aspects that make it inherently autistic.
* You're the Worst, as Matt describes it, is about a group of individuals navigating life and doing the best they can despite enduring significant trauma (all while exuding strong autistic vibes).
* Matt and Angela dive deep into character analyses of the show, uncovering autism-coded traits such as the prevalence of PTSD, sleep apnea, aversion to gender stereotypes, and other neurodivergent characteristics.
* Matt discusses the characters of Becca and Vernon, highlighting how their exaggeratedly stereotypical neurotypical behavior borders on cartoonish.
* In contrast, we dive into Jimmy's character with an in-depth analysis. He relies on scripting, struggles with relationships, exhibits behaviors shaped by trauma, and is deeply autistic-coded.
* Our hosts explore the dichotomy of autistic experiences, discussing how the feeling of being misunderstood is a common thread for autistic individuals, much like what is portrayed through Jimmy's character.
* We explore Jimmy's relationship with Gretchen on the show, discussing how they navigate their respective traumas to build a relationship that works uniquely for them.
* Because sometimes being the worst is exactly what makes us the best—autistic vibes and all!
“We put up these giant barriers when we’re traumatized. We become very avoidant of forming bonds with people. We actively push people away because we might get to have them and lose them.” - Matt (on navigating autistic interpersonal relationships)
“We live in a world where non-traumatized autistics are not common. Just because we try desperately every day to fit into a world that is not made for us, where we try to adapt, where we burn out, where we push ourselves past our natural limits in order to do what is expected of us because otherwise, we have self-esteem issues, and we blame ourselves for not being good enough.” - Matt
Did you catch all the nuanced dynamics in You're the Worst? In today’s episode, we dive deep into its autistic-coded brilliance! Thanks for listening! Share your thoughts in the comments, and use #AutisticCultureCatch to connect with fellow fans on social media. Which characters or moments resonated with you the most?
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