Did you know that approximately 20% of Jeopardy fans are autistic? Trivia is a favorite special interest in Autistic Culture, and for the final April episode, podcast hosts, Angela Lauria and Matt Lowry, celebrate with a game of Autistic Culture Jeopardy!
In this episode, you will meet inclusivity expert and activist, Faith Clarke who challenges co-host Matt Lowry as the two play for charities that support Autistic Acceptance with their work.
The game includes trivia questions related to famous Autistic people, advocates, books, entrepreneurs, film and television, and myths/facts about autism. Categories include: Advocates, History, Books, Myth or Fact, Entrepreneurs, Screens.
They emphasize enjoying and celebrating Autistic interests and strengths, moving beyond just "awareness" of autism to true acceptance and inclusion of Autistic individuals.
“Tolerance says who you are is different…but I will conditionally allow your unpleasant existence to go on…But acceptance says who you are is valuable because you're a precious human being who deserves the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.” –Angela
Many trivia answers relate to previous podcast episodes, showing the breadth of Autistic contributions throughout history.
“Getting to teach people about our culture, getting to teach people how we are a unique people unto our own, and that people need to learn about all the cool things that make us who we are. That was fun. And I unintentionally studied for all of this.” –Matt
Join Matt, Angela, and Faith for a fun and informative episode as they test their knowledge of all things Autistic Culture through the lens of Autistica's favorite quiz show.
What’s your favorite kind of trivia? Tell us about it in the comments!
* Go to Kaiser’s Room and click Donate to give to Faith's Charity
* How does an autism diagnosis lend itself to being good at trivia?
Want more conversations about other popular Autistic activities? Check out…
* Episode 39: Dungeons & Dragons are Autistic
* Episode 31: Chess is Autistic
* Episode 16: Pokemon is Autistic
Ready for a paradigm shift that empowers Autistics? Help spread the news!
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