This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Part I (00:13 - 12:06) How the Collapse of Germany’s Government Could Be a Foreshadowing: What Happens in Germany is Important to Christian in the U.S. and in the World
Part II (12:06 - 13:46) The Big Problem of Underperformance in the UK: It Doesn’t Matter If You Have an Empire If You Can’t Flush the Sewers
Part III (13:46 - 15:59) The UK’s Final Ruling on the Cass Review: The U.S. Needs to Heed the Warnings Over Transgender Procedures on Minors from Britain
Part V (22:22 - 25:17) Judge Rules Transgender Teaching in Schools Violate Parental Rights: The Sexual Revolution is Colliding with Parental Rights, Religious Liberty, and More
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