Jackie Titus shares her polyamorous journey over the last few years, with the main focus of how she and her 2 partners sought 3-way legal custody of their baby boy. Jackie also shares about her challenging coming out process as both bi-sexual and polyamorous, coming from a religious background that does not support either of these.
I'm sure you'll see why I asked Jackie to share her story...she's a wonderful example of what can happen when you believe something's possible AND take action to make it so! She and her partners are stepping into new legal territory as trailblazers and I'm sure there will be many to follow.
If you want to reach Jackie directly (with questions or as a professional voice coach):
IG: @genuinelyjackied
LA-based Birthing center:
IG: @gracefullbirth
She recommended listening to a previous Amory podcast - here are the additional show notes from that show with Dr. Heath Schechinger. Here's the link to that episode.
If you're looking for support in your poly journey, please reach out on IG @amorypodcast or @thelovingchallenger