This episode of Amory is very different! It's actually an exchange of WhatsApp messaging with a friend who was sharing a major breakthrough in his healing journey. He describes the moment he realized the pattern between his emotions, and his thoughts...not getting overly identified with them, nor denying them. The ability to "be with" both his emotions and thoughts is creating the space for him to see himself as the loving witness. From that place, he is free to act instead of react, and therefore create the life he truly desires.
I am sharing this because his realization is raw and authentic and may support you on your journey of relating (with yourself and others).
After I recorded the beginning and ending of this episode, my friend Dojo created an account so you can reach him on Instagram - @bustout_dojo. If you are called to send him a direct message - please do!
If you are interested in the 6-month group program, please message or DM @amorypodcast
It starts June 12th and runs through mid-November with bi-weekly meetings, bi-weekly one-on-one's, weekly videos/exercises, group support and will catalyze your relating to the next level! There are a few spaces left so message ASAP to learn more!
Resources mentioned:
- The Unteathered Soul by Michael Singer
- 'How do you Relate to Your Feelings?' - Self-Love Journey podcast