Hello Loving Challengers! I'm so excited to introduce you to Niki Corocan...a true phoenix, uncaged!
Niki shares so openly and authentically from her own personal experiences, and has bravely walked her own path. Some of the topics we cover:
- Religious Indoctrination
- Learning to grieve & making peace her own way
- Relationship with her own body & sexuality (purity culture)
- Monogamy to open relating
- Healing by accepting and loving previous versions of herself
If you want to hear more from Niki, check out her podcast: Tales of a Trailblazer: Uncaaged and find her on IG @phoenix_uncaged - set up a call with her to connect!
And, if you're interested in learning more about custom retreats with Megan in Costa Rica, set up an exploration call here.
IG - @lovingchallengers