Episode description
In our final episode of 2023, Tom, Julie, and Eric discuss their highs and lows of the year, including our biggest surprises, rosiest roses, thorniest thorns, and hula-iest hula hoops.
02:57 - 2023 as a Whole
14:45 - Best Game to Play at a Convention - Chicken
16:09 - Fiction
17:01 - The Same Game
19:45 - Best Theme - First in Flight
20:53 - Jekyll vs. Hyde Card Game
21:51 - Freelancers
22:53 - Most Likely to Be Gifted By A Well-Intentioned Family Member - Twilight
25:50 - Monopoly Scrabble
26:28 - Dumb Ways to Die
27:25 - Biggest Surprise - Eila and Something Shiny
28:35 - NOOBS in Space
29:32 - Earth
31:22 - Best Travel Game - NOOBS in Space
32:31 - GAP
34:18 - Rankster
36:21 - Set Aside a Day - Sleeping Gods Distant Skies
37:43 - Ticket to Ride Legacy
39:39 - Vampire the Masquerade Chapters
40:23 - Twilight Imperium 4
43:08 - Easiest Teach/Learn - Sky Team
44:04 - BOOoop
45:38 - Line-It
46:28 - Game We Didn't Get to Play - The Witcher
47:20 - Rauha
48:25 - Last Light
49:13 - Hula Hoop - Surfasaurus Max
49:57 - Hegemony
52:12 - Without Fail
52:50 - Sharpest Thorn - Finish Line
53:09 - The Shining
53:26 - Star Trek Discovery: Black Alert
53:49 - Biggest Rose - World Wonders
57:10 - Earth
58:16 - Most Anticipated for 2024 - 7th Citadel
59:25 - Mistwind
1:00:34 - Guilty: Houston 2015
1:00:56 - Defenders of the Realm: Legends Retold