Hello and welcome to the The Spark & The Art creativity podcast. Thank you for subscribing to our weekly podcast, where we alternate between interviews with creative folks from all different career levels and insight and inspiration episodes. All with the intention you’ll get what you need to get your creative projects started and, more importantly, finished.
I’m your host Tucker and this week is an interview with Crystal Salamon. Crystal is an artist who took a leap of faith a few years ago and did a print run of 2000 colouring books. The story she tells of what happened when she checked her sales the next day is filled with emotion.
Before Crystal started making colouring books she started off in University to be a doctor. During pre-med she took a single art class to, as she puts it “Get it out of my system”. I think you can guess how the story goes from there. Well, you can guess the ending at least. There is more school and ‘A boy’ and teaching and finding her self.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy today’s chat with Crystal Salamon
Get me on twitter @sparkartpodcast or by email Tucker@thesparkandtheart.com
Thanks for listening and remember: you won’t get the art without the work and you won’t do the work without the spark.