Episode description
http://thesparkandtheart.com/142 – I'm not really sure how to describe this. Super power seems like it would be the main power but what is it when your power isn't the main thing? What if you are a brain scientist who wants to talk about brain donation and your audience starts to get uncomfortable. What if you have a cool role-playing podcast and need incidental music to enhance the mood?
**- Links for this episode -**
<br/>Griffin McElroy - https://twitter.com/griffinmcelroy
<br/>The Adventure Zone - https://t.co/qcmTtbx1BF
<br/>Chase Reeves - Chase Reeves thesparkandtheart.com/66
<br/>My Stroke Of Insight TED Talk - https://www.ted.com/talks/jill_bolte_taylor_s_powerful_stroke_of_insight