It is officially the end of 2022!! Woah, what a year it has been! I think I have just enjoyed all the experiences I have had this year. The lessons and the blessings, everything has just helped me so much. Also, let's not forget this has been the year where life has felt slightly normal than what it was a year back. So, as we sit back and have our 2022 memory book opened, let's be grateful and think about the things we will take forward in our lives from the new year. Having said that, with the end of 2022, it's also time for me to say 'buh-bye' to the first season of the podcast. Yes, today we will call the curtains on Season 1 of Taught for the day- the audio series and I will see you again in the next year. Until then, take care and thank you for all the love and appreciation, and a Happy New Year!!