How do you respond to unfair feedback? Recently, during team performance reviews, someone on my team received feedback that I strongly believed to be unfair. I argued vehemently and at the risk of coming across as aggressive, something that is frowned upon. Unfortunately, I wasn’t successful in making my case. Having heard Luaskya’s story since then, I wish I had met her before I had gone into that discussion, and could have adopted some of her tact.
Luaskya’s situation was tougher. The negative feedback was about her, and it was harsh. However, instead of becoming aggressive or defensive, Luaskya asked clarifying questions that made the manager rethink the feedback. I was thoroughly impressed by Luaskya’s composure and presence of mind. Next time I find myself in a similar situation, I will try to use questions rather than statements to make my point.
At some point in your career, you will be at the receiving end of feedback that you disagree with. If you want to be able to stand up to the feedback with grace and tact, do not miss this episode.
Luaskya Nonon is the Founder and CEO of Equity Principle Consulting, a diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting firm. She is also the Deputy General Counsel and DEI Task Force chair for an IT company in Durham North Carolina. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a minor in Spanish from New York University. She then attended law school at the University of North Carolina School of Law. Even though she’s spent half her life in the South, she still considers herself a New Yorker.
You can connect with Luaskya on LinkedIn. Also, learn more about Luaskya’s consulting practice, Equity Principle Consulting, which helps leaders dismantle the status quo to create inclusive and equitable corporate cultures. You can learn more about Equity Principle Consulting on its website, on LinkedIn, and follow it on Twitter.