What keeps me up at night is not the things I have failed at, but the ones where I chickened out and did not even try. In retrospect, I could have gotten where I am today sooner had I taken more risks instead of taking myself out of the running. The next time, I find myself tempted to self-reject, I hope I will remember the story of Andrea’s unseen battle.
Andrea has made some bold decisions in her life, like moving from her homeland, Colombia, to Switzerland to build a new life for herself and her family. However, when it came to starting her career in a new country and in a new language, Andrea was convinced that her education and background wouldn't be good enough. But in spite of these fears, she tried anyway and this show of courage, changed the trajectory of her life.
You can learn more about Andrea and connect with her on LinkedIn.
If you have feedback about the episode or would like to share a story where you decided to take yourself out of the running (or decided to go for it instead!), please leave a comment here.