We talk about Imposter Syndrome in the Maker Community in this episode with Matt, Trey, Steve, and Nick. Summary In this episode, the hosts discuss imposter syndrome, a phenomenon experienced by a large percentage of the population. They explore different perspectives on imposter syndrome and how it affects individuals in the maker community. The conversation delves into the impact of imposter syndrome on learning and growth, as well as the relationship between imposter syndrome and success metrics. The hosts also examine the influence of social media on imposter syndrome and the dangers of comparing follower counts to expertise. They conclude by discussing how to navigate incorrect information on social media without engaging in unnecessary arguments. The conversation covers engaging in political discussions, imposter syndrome in different professions, building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome, recognizing mistakes and self-doubt, guessing the secret word, the importance of community support, imposter syndrome as a humbling experience, finding support in text groups and communities, and the role of imposter syndrome in personal growth.
Sponsor of today's episode:
This episode is sponsored by SurfPrep Sanding. Thanks to SurfPrep for sponsoring this episode and providing a discount code for the listeners! Go to https://www.surfprepsanding.com?aff=51 and enter the code "MAKERLOUNGE" for 10% off their website! I've been using SurfPrep for a couple of years now and can speak very highly of the product and company.
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Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Imposter Syndrome 03:14 Different Perspectives on Imposter Syndrome 07:02 Dealing with Imposter Syndrome in the Maker Community 09:42 The Impact of Imposter Syndrome on Learning and Growth 16:36 The Relationship Between Imposter Syndrome and Success Metrics 23:30 The Influence of Social Media on Imposter Syndrome 27:48 The Dangers of Comparing Follower Counts to Expertise 30:36 Navigating Incorrect Information on Social Media 31:04 Engaging in Political Discussions 32:19 Imposter Syndrome in Different Professions 33:47 Building Confidence and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome 34:50 Recognizing Mistakes and Self-Doubt 38:06 Guessing the Secret Word 42:14 The Importance of Community Support 44:35 Imposter Syndrome as a Humbling Experience 46:23 Finding Support in Text Groups and Communities 50:38 The Role of Imposter Syndrome in Personal Growth Follow Us: Maker Lounge on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/makerloungepodcast Matt (Host) with Voeltner Woodworking: http://www.linktree.com/voeltnerwoodworking Maker Lounge Podcast Website: http://www.makerloungepodcast.com Trey (Handcrafted by Trey): https://www.instagram.com/handcrafted_by_trey/ Steve Moseley (Making at Home): https://www.instagram.com/makingathome/ Nick Poole (Dylan Custom Carpentry): https://www.instagram.com/dylancustomcarpentry/ #podcast #makerpodcast #makersgonnamake