Welcome to the year end holiday hangout episode. In the Lounge, his dad owns 3 peacocks, one of them is called Scott and the other two have feathers, Scott Walsh is here…and lastly, this guy has not only mastered the art of foley in his videos, sometimes he does woodworking. Mr. Suman is here. Today we’re having a holiday feast, and Jon with Lincoln Street Woodworking was supposed to bring the food, but he is walking uphill in the snow, both ways. Unfortunately Jon couldn't join us for the episode, but that didn't stop us from having a great time.
In this episode we talk about the holidays, goals for 2023, and play a new game we called the ScottSuman game. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it. Make sure to check out the after show where we talk about YouTube and content creation with some tips from the guys to level up on YouTube.
Check out the Patreon page at http://www.patreon.com/makerloungepodcast
Find us all at the following links
Maker Lounge on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/makerloungepodcast
Matt (Host) with Voeltner Woodworking: http://www.linktree.com/voeltnerwoodworking
Maker Lounge Podcast Website: http://www.makerloungepodcast.com
Woodcraft by Suman: https://linktr.ee/woodcraftbysuman and https://www.instagram.com/woodcraftbysuman/
Scott Walsh: https://www.youtube.com/@ScottWalshWoodworking and https://www.instagram.com/scottydwalsh/
This episode is sponsored by SurfPrep Sanding. Thanks to SurfPrep for sponsoring this episode and providing a discount code for the listeners! Go to http://www.surfprepsanding.com and enter the code "MAKERLOUNGE" for 10% off their website! I've been using SurfPrep for a couple of years now and can speak very highly of the product and company.
Thank you to our patrons!
Rockstar Patrons: Jimmy McAnally, Artigiano Serio, Wimm Designs, and Calvary Customs LLC , and CleanCut Woodworking
Groupies: Making at Home, J&E Designs, Temecula Yard Games
Season Ticket Holders: 513 Woodworks
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