You may have seen him on a show called Assembly Required or in a variety of YouTube videos, building things from a van with an attached BMX ramp or a massive banshee hamster wheel. The only thing his welder hasn’t touched is a bad time. I’m pretty sure his motto is "Don’t Die." He also couldn’t decide what to make, so he called his business Make Everything. Chris Zeppieri is in the lounge.
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Chris Zeppieri with Make Everything Shop: or
This episode is sponsored by SurfPrep Sanding. Thanks to SurfPrep for sponsoring this episode and providing a discount code for the listeners! Go to and enter the code "MAKERLOUNGE" for 10% off their website! I've been using SurfPrep for a couple of years now and can speak very highly of the product and company.
Thank you to our patrons!
Rockstar Patrons: Jimmy McAnally, Artigiano Serio, Wimm Designs, and Calvary Customs LLC , and CleanCut Woodworking
Groupies: Making at Home, J&E Designs, Temecula Yard Games
Season Ticket Holders: 513 Woodworks
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