In this episode I talk with Raechal and Adam from Makers Challenge Central about how the challenge got started, the future of the Makers Challenge Central, and everything in between. Raechal started the challenge by collaborating with a few other makers on an Anna White design, each with their own unique spin, which ended with Anna judging the finished projects; that spun off into multiple different challenges under the Makers Challenge Central umbrella as she brought Adam on board.
Since then, the two of them have kept busy with the various challenges throughout the year and have landed spots on television and published articles in magazines. The two of them have a vast knowledge on both sides of running a small business and representing other brands, both large and small.
You will NOT want to miss the Patreon After Show if you're interested in working with brands, because both Adam and Raechal represent different brands and have a unique perspective on what brands are looking for. The only way to access the Patreon After Show is by signing up to become a Patreon member at
Find us all at the following links
Maker Lounge on Instagram:
Matt (Host) with Voeltner Woodworking:
Maker Lounge Podcast Website:
Makers Challenge Central:
Adam with LazyGuyDIY at
Raechal with DesertWoodwrks at
This episode is sponsored by SurfPrep Sanding. Thanks to SurfPrep for sponsoring this episode and providing a discount code for the listeners! Go to and enter the code "MAKERLOUNGE" for 10% off their website! I've been using SurfPrep for a couple of years now and can speak very highly of the product and company.
Thank you to our patrons!
Rockstar Patrons: Jimmy McAnally, Artigiano Serio, Wimm Designs
Groupies: Making at Home, J&E Designs, Temecula Yard Games
Season Ticket Holders: 513 Woodworks
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