Dive into the intriguing world of financial independence with a refreshing twist in this captivating episode of Money Talk With Tiff, featuring the brilliant Diana Miriam. Discover the nuances of Coast FI, a unique approach within the FIRE movement that emphasizes the power of compound interest to secure your future without the pressure of a full-time grind.
Diana demystifies the concept of Coast FI, explaining how it allows individuals to "take their foot off the gas" and enjoy the freedom of financial independence much earlier. She shares valuable insights on knowing your expenses and setting achievable milestones on your journey to financial freedom.
Tiffany and Diana also explore the human side of financial independence, discussing the importance of community and the excitement of the EconoMe Conference—a place where FIRE enthusiasts can reignite their passion, meet like-minded individuals and even find love.
Listeners will walk away with a renewed sense of possibility, practical tips for embarking on their Coast FI journey, and an exclusive offer for the Economy Conference. If you're ready to rethink retirement and embrace a life of financial autonomy, this episode is your gateway to a community where money meets meaning.
Join the conversation, learn about the spectrum of financial independence, and discover how you can start making significant changes today. Don't forget to grab your discount for the EconoMe Conference with the code TIFF, and mark your calendars for March 15th, 2024!
About Our GuestDiania Merriam is the founder of The EconoMe Conference, a party about money designed specifically for the FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early). She's also the host of the popular podcast Optimal Finance Daily, where she narrates articles from the best personal finance blogs on the planet.
Discovering the FIRE movement in 2015 led her to get out of $30k of debt in 11 months, save and invest 60% of her income, take a 2-month sabbatical to walk 500 miles across northern Spain on the Camino de Santiago, and self-fund her own business. She retired from her corporate career at 33 years old and now helps others find community and inspiration on the path to financial freedom.
She's been featured on Good Morning America, Business Insider, CNBC, MarketWatch, Good Day Columbus, and WLWT5, as well as podcasts including Choose FI, Bigger Pockets Money, and Stacking Benjamins.
Connect with DianiaVisit the website: https://economeconference.com/ (Use code TIFF for 10% off)
Twitter: @economecon
Instagram: @economecon
Facebook: EconoMe Conference
Connect with TiffanyWebsite: https://moneytalkwitht.com
Facebook: Money Talk With Tiff
Twitter: @moneytalkwitht
Instagram: @moneytalkwitht
LinkedIn: Tiffany Grant
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