In this episode, we talk about crazy miracles surrounding the Catholic Eucharist. First, Cody talks about the Miracle in Santarem, Portugal, where a woman who “stole” her Communion wafer witnessed it bleeding. Then, Chris shares the story of the first known Eucaristic Miracle where a doubting monk watched the Eucharist turn to literal flesh and blood. Next, Cody discusses an incident in Siena, Italy where stolen Communion wafers never perished after three hundred years. Finally, Chris talks about Marthe Robin, a woman who lived off Communion and nothing else for fifty years. This week’s drinks are Fre Red Blend and Barefoot Pink Moscato.
Advisory: 0:00s-0:20s Intro Music: 0:20s-0:46s Topic: 0:46s-3:05m Drinks: 3:05m-4:59m History: 4:59m-10:40m The Miracle in Santarem: 10:40m-17:07m The Miracle of Lanciano: 17:07m-23:56m Trailer: 23:56m-24:37m The Miracle of Siena: 24:37m-31:23m Marthe Robin: 31:23m-39:05m Skeptic: 39:05m-41:00m Believer: 41:00m-44:14m Creep of the Week: 44:14m-46:03m Sign Off: 46:03m-46:51m Outro Music: 46:51m-47:09m