[This is the Season 2 finale. Stay tuned for new episodes to resume starting on July 27th, 2021!]
Rek It Raven is a Twitch horror streamer and through their streams, not only do they raise money for charities based in causes that they strongly advocate for (i.e. Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+, mental health awareness, etc.), but also shares their personal traumas in hopes of helping listeners cope through their own struggles.
Raven does a lot of that for this episode, going in-depth about the PTSD suffered from pregnancy, but they also talk about the importance of kindness, their experience with therapy, and the grind that comes with being a Twitch user.
*If you or anyone you know is struggling with intense depression and are at risk for harm of any kind, please refer to the following hotline numbers: http://suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html
Where to find Raven: @RekItRaven (Instagram/Twitter/TikTok/Twitch/YouTube)
Where to find Mental Health Check-In Podcast:
@checkinpod (Twitter)
@checkinpodcast (Instagram)
Follow/Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mental-Health-Check-In-Podcast-101476175035710
Audio available everywhere podcasts can be streamed. Also on YouTube.