On Wednesday the President spoke to a crowd of his most ardent supporters, encouraged them to go to the Capitol and, after weeks of fanning the flames, incited a failed insurrection. It was haphazard, bizarre, at points absurd to the point of humorous but generally concerning about where this energy goes after Trump. Jared Holt, who has been tracking right wing extremism for years, joins us to talk about just that.You can follow Jared HERE.—You can leave us a voicemail at: 202-570-4639. Or drop us a line at theinsurgentspod@gmail.com.You can also listen to the Insurgents on iTunes HERE.On Spotify HERE.On Google Podcasts HERE.And all other links are HERE.If you’d like to become a premium subscriber and gain access to premium episodes as well as our private Discord server, you can do so here: