Episode description
Could some of what you’re feeling right now be grief? Do you have a sense of loss about being able to spend time with a loved one, or your job being disrupted, or just loss of close connection with other people?
Here's what you'll learn in this episode:
-A little known type of grief, and how to work with any of the stages of grief you might be feeling right now
-The normal human response to loss
-Why grief is normal right now
-The definition of anticipatory grief
-How to work with feeling of grief, and why learning how our minds work is the first key step
-The five stages of grief, and how one of them is showing up right now at the personal, local and national level
-How the other stages are showing up, right now
-How mindfulness can change our orientation towards our experience and help us to accept what is, rather than craving what we want
-The definition of forgiveness and how that can help us get over grief and let go of things we can't control
-3 specific actions you can take today to accept, reduce and move on from your feelings of grief.
Harvard Business Review interview with David Kessler, and expert on grief : https://hbr.org/2020/03/that-discomfo...