Self-judgement gets in the way of doing our own tasks and interacting with patients and it contributes to exhaustion.
In this podcast, you will learn:
-How to name the core elements of the habit loop of self-judgment.
-New strategies to step out of habit loop of self-judgment.
-How to practice kindness toward oneself and others.
Self-judgment gets in the way of being grounded in the present moment, being connected with ourselves or patients like intrusive thoughts and it contributes to exhaustion. Like in any other habit loop, we can be caught up in self-judgment because our brain thinks that punishing ourselves will help us learn for the next time. However, we can step out of the self-judgment loop by noticing and naming it. Kindness can be our at-home detox that makes us feel good and open like compassion.
The home practice for module 4 is noticing the difference between self-judgment and kindness loops and exploring how it feels in the body and mind when we judge ourselves or when someone is kind to us.
To ask questions or suggest future topics, please comment below or connect with me on Twitter @judbrewer
Loving Kindness Meditation (8 min)
P.F.C. Pause, Feel, Care meditation (5 min). Click here PFC
P.A.C.E., Pause, Acknowledge, Care & Expand meditation (5min). Click here PACE
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Build your body awareness using mindfulness practices, like those in the free "Breathe by Dr. Jud" app, available on both Apple and Android devices.
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