Intrusive thoughts are distracting and can cause great distress.
In this podcast, you will learn:
- How our minds deal with intrusive thoughts.
- To apply skills to manage intrusive thoughts in clinical settings and private life.
We have no control over our thoughts. One thought can lead to another until we are overwhelmed by a train of thoughts. The harder we try to stop these thoughts, the more the mind fights back and keeps going. But we can control how we relate to our thoughts. By naming or noting these thoughts, we can choose to get on the thought train or not. In that way physicians can manage more skillfully intrusive thoughts during their clinical practice and life.
The home practice for module 3 is noting thoughts and seeing what happens when we get on or we step off the thought train and come back to the present moment.
Anchoring In The Present Moment Meditation (10 min)
Sitting Meditation (15 min)
Working With Thoughts (27 min)
Reboot meditation (5min) click here Reboot
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