Episode description
On the Episode of the Better Is Possible Podcast the guys discuss the importance of Ownership and building for your future. They discuss the movie The Founder (A must watch) and a NEW RULE of thumb to live by.
BETTER IS POSSIBLE . . . Tune in every Monday on IG at 10PM for our Live Show. @BetterispossiblePodcast @loosevoltage & @flint.hatchett Be sure to #Like #Comment #Subscribe & #Share #BetterispossiblePodcast #betterispossible #LooseandFlint #loosevoltage #flinthatchett #Podcast #Instagram #Instagramlive #Instalive #IG #Youtube #1hourPod #Blackpodcasts #Blackgirlmagic #blackboyjoy Reflective edition - backwards print No matter how backwards things may seem... always be able to see the big picture