Money in-and-of itself is just a tool. It’s a thing that is supposed to represent the exchange of energy that you put into work for its return. I personally believe that huge piles of cash stored away is a disservice in that it’s not being invested or put into flow, whereby more money can be made, people can start businesses and be funded, etc.
Money should not be the cause of losing your closest relationships. If this is the case, then one or both parties might want to rediscover and reprioritize their list of what they value most.
You’re not crazy. That person sitting next to you, as much as you want to believe it, probably isn’t crazy. Truth is, we’re all new to this. And we have outsized expectations that were set FOR us, not BY us. Give yourself some grace. Give a little then to your spouse, partner, parent, child. None of us were equipped with the tools. But together, we’re gonna get better.